For your convenience,  most common questions about Dottye’s Platform are answered here:

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Q: Does Dottye support the Carbon Tax?

A: Dottye supports the impact the carbon tax will have on cleaning our air, water, and environment. Because industry will ultimately pass the cost of the carbon tax down to its customers, Dottye wants to look at other ways of achieving the same objective that will not impact costs for customers. She would rather see incentives for cleaner production, for electric cars, for alternate energy. Until that happens, she supports the 1992 Rio Summit carbon tax as incorporated into international law.

Q: Does Dottye Ricks support Affordable Health Care?

A: Yes! Dottye supports the Universal Healthcare bill that Bernie Sanders has laid out for the nation and the state of Vermont.

Q: What is Dottye’s stance on Environmental issues?

A: Dottye Ricks is a determined supporter for protecting our beautiful Green Mountain state, from opposing oil pipelines to encouraging new infrastructure to replace and keep our waterlines clean and well maintained.   She passionately supports efforts to clean up Lake Champlain, recognizing that water is life.  She also advocates for clean energy and will continue to push for a real progress, though believes that an individual whose land is affected by a structure deserves to be heard and considered when deciding where to place wind and solar farms.

Q: What benefit does a small business owner have if Dottye is in office?

A: Dottye Ricks is an avid supporter of small businesses, realizing that successful small businesses are the lifeblood of a strong economy.   She plans to offer significant tax incentives to small businesses to help them forward towards becoming successful cornerstones of our community.

Q: Does Dottye support raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour?

A: Absolutely! Beyond that, she knows that the issue of raising the wage has many complexities involved and is dedicated to exploring all of the considerations that the minimum wage increase would affect.

Q: Does Dottye support women’s rights?

A: YES! Dottye supports equal pay for equal work and a woman’s right to choose.  She also supports gun safety regulations, as women are often the victims of gun related deaths from domestic assault cases that are greatly prevented by implementing common sense laws.

QDoes Dottye believe in gun control?

A:  Dottye believes in gun violence prevention.  She also believes strongly in the right to bear arms, and is prepared to stand up firmly for that right.

Q: Why should I vote for Dottye?

A: A good representative should be accessible and invested, as well as have empathy, integrity, and a strong code of ethics.  Dottye is an active part of the community and has been for the past 30 years, taking an active roll in women’s groups, school boards, veteran groups, and as an educator.  She takes the time to listen to the needs of the people in her community and isn’t afraid to stand up for them when she witnesses their values or environment threatened.