
Hi Everybody –The two incumbents from Washington 2, Barre Town, maintained their seats in the Vermont house. I congratulate them on their win and pledge to continue to keep them on their toes on issues of importance to Barre Town and Vermont. I was pleased to have received over 1200 votes and, as an unknown outsider, to have challenged the status quo with a progressive platform. In such a republican stronghold, it is a beginning. It has been gratifying to meet people, talk to them about their issues, and offer a different choice to them for representative. What fun. How challenging. How inspiring. How much I learned. I look forward to continuing to work for the good of the people of Barre Town, and to offer them a different voice.

Thanks to all who helped with my campaign, especially my incredible manager, Erin Stillson Wolf, who gave above and beyond of her personal time and energy and family, came in and rallied the troops, organized strategies, and made it all happen. RAD VT and the Vermont Progressive Party were stalwarts in promoting my campaign, backing our activities, and having faith in our cause. A cadre of amazing women provided support, direction, and encouragement: Claudia Pringles, Maggie Lenz, Louise Coates, Elise Greaves and Rebecca Doxey. Special thanks to James Haslam, Josh Wronski, Traven Leyshon, Isaac Grimm, Suzanne Smith, Barbara Allen, the Greater Barre Democrats, and our high school muse, Maeve.

Many thanks to all of my endorsers: RAD VT, Anthony Pollina, the AFL-CIO, Gun Sense Vermont, VT NEA, VSEA, the Vermont Chapter of the Sierra Club, and the Vermont Conservation Voters. I appreciate your support and guidance. Special thanks to Sen. Bernie Sanders and Phil Fiermonte for Bernie’s endorsement – what an honor. But I am most grateful to the over 1200 voters who chose a different path and gave me their vote. You are an inspiration. Thank you so much. There will be another time.

In Vermont, we did maintain reason in our state-wide elections and put into office many inspired progressive leaders. With the results of our national election, however, life in the USA may prove to be very different, where our pursuit of a better world and even the maintenance of our basic liberties and respect for humanity and the earth, may be much harder. As we uneasily approach this new time, one of my friends said “.. don’t despair – ORGANIZE.” We now have, not just the opportunity, but the responsibility to stand up, speak out, and fight back. It is the day, a good day, to continue Bernie’s revolution, now, not because we want to, but because we must.